Sawlog prices surge 30% and pulpwood 18% in Sweden in 2024
In 2024, delivery timber prices for roundwood increased by 30% for sawlogs and 18% for pulpwood compared to 2023, Swedish Forest Agency reported. Price increases were observed across all regions, with the largest growth in Svealand for sawlogs at 34%, and in Götaland for pulpwood at 19%. Norra Norrland recorded the smallest increases, at 12% for sawlogs and 10% for pulpwood.
Nationwide, the annual average price for sawlogs of pine and spruce rose by 30% compared to 2023. For pulpwood of coniferous and broad-leaved trees, prices increased by 18% during the same period. Despite these price hikes, delivery timber represents only a small share of total timber sales, with harvested volumes amounting to just over 2 million m3 under bark in 2024, down significantly over the past 20 years.
In the fourth quarter of 2024, sawlog prices increased by nearly 8% compared to the third quarter. Götaland experienced the largest quarterly growth for sawlogs at 11%, while Norra Norrland saw no change. Similarly, pulpwood prices rose by 5% nationwide during the fourth quarter, continuing the upward trend.